
Where to Buy Heritage Natural Finishes
Order online with us anytime! We ship almost anywhere and can usually get your order out the next business day at the latest.
There are a few other places out and about where you can also pick up Heritage Natural Finishes, even in Canada. We haven't spent too much time seeking distributors and retailers since we are a direct-sales company first, but we do have a few. Here is the list as it stands right now. Your local Timber Frame Shop may also have our oils in bulk that they are willing to sell you by the gallon. Check them out and order up a new house while you're at it too!
Handcrafted House - Sheryl Lock
323 East 2nd Ave., Durango, CO 81301
Phone: 970-247-4046
They usually carry all our finishes in bulk and in pre-packaged smaller sizes as well.
Collector's Specialty Woods - Kent Mace
4355 North Monaco Street, Unit A, Denver, CO 80216
Phone: 719-989-1221
Driftwood Mill - Brin Finnigan
Hotchkiss, CO 81419
Ph. 970-417-6511
Email: brinnfinnigan@gmail.com
He carries our Concentrated Finishing Oil
(also can be used as our Earth Finish)
873 US Rte. One, Woolwich, ME 04579
Phone: 207-442-7938
Liquid Wax End Sealer, Original Finish with Mildewcide, & Exterior Finish.
Fox Natural Building - Chris & Valierie Fox
New Marshfield, OH
Phone: 216-225-0753
Email: buildgreen@earthlink.net
They usually carry the Original Finish in bulk.
Heritage Natural Finishes
We ship to all USA and Canadian destinations and international by special arrangement
Our retail store is open for pick ups at:
1337 Main Street, Philomath, OR 97370
Phone: (541) 844-8748
Email: info@heritagenaturalfinishes.com
Reliance Specialty Building Products
Spokane, WA
Phone: 800-697-4705
Email: paul@reliantsbp.com
Carries Original Finish.
Locations within the USA

We can ship to Canada but do check first with our distributors up there. They can probably get it to you quicker .
612 Innes St., Nelson, BC V1L 5G2
Phone: (250) 509-1180
Carries a large selection of all our finishes in all sizes. Can ship within Canada for reasonable rates.