Original Finish
Our most popular and most versatile finish for interiors is our Original Finish. It can be used on just about any woodwork. Especially timbers, logs, laminated beams, molding, T&G, or furniture. The oil can be applied by brush, rag, lambswool pad, roller, or sprayer, whichever works best for you. It’s thin enough for quick penetration but with enough solids for a rich, water-resistant coat. The look of the final finish is matte with only two coats. Subsequent coats, buffing and top coating with our Liquid Wax End Sealer, if desired, will produce more sheen and increase the water-resistance, but the overall look is quite natural and matted.
Stir or shake before use, and avoid application in direct sunlight or rain. Test our product first on a small test surface to make sure you like it and are comfortable with how it goes on and performs. In some applications, such as a log home, initial treatment with a borate salt solution should be considered for long-term protection against mold, insects, and sap stain, as well as "breaking" the mill glaze. Apply the oil to woodwork of any type, using a real lambswool applicator or pad, pump-up or airless sprayer, or a well-made brush. We do not recommend application with a paint roller, however many of our customers have been using high quality lambswool, short nap rollers and had great success. On logs and timbers, fill all checks with the product. This will greatly reduce further checking, even on freshly sawn species such as oak. Using a wet-on-wet technique, apply only as much finish as the wood will absorb in a day, or buff off excess as needed. For a timber frame interior, we recommend applying two coats of oil. Wet sand or power buff for a furniture-grade finish if desired. For a deeper finish (both visually and in terms of penetration), apply several coats over several days, optionally wet-sanding between coats, top-coating and/or buffing, depending on the grade of finish you want. Clean wood surface and re-apply as often as desired or as required by your climate (in some areas it could be up to 10 years before you need another coat); there is no need to sand, just re-apply directly over existing Heritage Natural Finishes.
Do not apply our finishes over the top of other products or finishes unless you test it first and make sure the oils will penetrate. Ideally the wood should be bare, free of dust and dirt, and untreated (except as noted above with borates). Heritage Natural Finishes are very durable; repair by rubbing in more finish to abrasions, scuffs and scratches with an abrasive pad or rag. The nature of our finishes prevents most problems with air bubbles, lap marks, and dust and is easy to apply. For long term maintenance, just be sure the surface is clean and rub in another coat when the wood looks dry or needs touching up.
Approx. 350 square feet per gallon or 500 board feet per gallon; rough-sawn materials tend to absorb more. You get less coverage on the first coat and more on the second. The density of the wood is also a factor. Softer woods like pine or reclaimed doug-fir will absorb more than oak for example. And obviously dry wood will soak up a lot more oil than green timbers, so you may want to over-estimate when ordering. Store any left over oil in an air tight metal or glass container for long term storage. Shake well before using again and thin with more Pure Citrus Solvent if the oil gets thicker over time.
VOC Levels: Max: 405.45 g/L
Clean Up:
For spills, over spray, or to clean up brushes, use our Pure Citrus Solvent or other solvent (Turpentine, Mineral Spirits, etc.). *For additional protection against insects and molds, consider treating all wood with a borate solution before oiling.
We disclose ALL ingredients that we use. Heritage Natural Finishes contain NO petroleum products, or metallic drying agents whatsoever! We use only the highest quality ingredients from the most sustainable sources possible. What you see here is what you get. If you have any questions, you can always call us! Pure Linseed Oil, Tung Oil, Pine Rosin, Beeswax, Pure Citrus Solvent. That's it!
100% Bio-based.